Thursday, 18 June 2015

Silver Star and stop!

Journeys end, Vernon BC. Strange feelings when we arrived as we lived here for two years some 13 years ago. It all looked very familiar yet so different as the town has expanded just the same as everywhere else.                                                                   We established base camp at the bottom of Silver Star mountain in a camp site called Cedar Falls, we used to bring the children here after school back in the day. Driving up the Silver Star resort we passed the house we used to own, what a difference, the new owners had extended it just as I had planned but never did. 

Archie lives in a log cabin with his two mates, we arrived to his surprise as he had forgotten we were coming! Anyway, scooped him up and fed him steak and chips as he is so skinny, filled him with beer around the fire pit and put him to bed exhausted. Working on the mountain has taken its toll on my boy. 

Im sitting by the fire with a beer, its dark now and a fellow camper came to tell me there is a bear cub very close by, where theres a cub theres a mumma bear so maybe time for bed, also I can hear a lot of yelping, might be coyotes or wolves..........
Don't want to leave just yet, very dark, clear sky showing the most amazing stars and the crickets are in full song.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Cory and his mother who were our next door neighbours in Mac Donald road. He welds all manner of engine parts together into the most beautiful sculptures and has become very collectable in the US. We also learned his childhood sweetheart and lifelong partner Stephanie died of ovarian cancer only 3 months ago, might be a long day.


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