Thursday, 11 August 2016

Stars in your eyes

Its all very well spouting on about some meteor shower sometime after 1am.
 I did my best, slow barbecue at 8.30, it got dark, no meteor shower. Had a few beers whilst scanning the heavens, nothing. 
Went inside and watched some detective drama thing from Australia, quite good actually. Couple of glasses of red, check the sky.....again nothing other than the usual stars and stuff.
Now 11pm and still no astro extravaganza, although by now I have a glass of vodka with ginger ale plus a splash of ice. Mrs Thomas has denied my being so Im lying on top of a picanic table staring skyward and amazed by the volume of noise ala crickets.
I have an app which not only explains all things astral just by pointing ones ipad heavenward but also presents a wonderful visual explanation of whats up there.   What caught my eye was all them satellite things flying around on fixed (geo static) orbits and all the other ones especially the International Space Station. 
For a moment I got very excited because I spotted a bright light moving across the sky, maybe a CIA satellite watching how much vodka I had left in my glass as per how long I had been in sight of the all seeing eye. The ratio of vodka to time would presumably determine my depth of communist tendencies......or...maybe my tendencies to fanciful paranoia?
Anyway, it turns out I probably had too much vodka because all the stars were moving across the sky until I rolled off the picanic table onto the tomato plants!
Still not a bleddy shooting star to be seen.......